Bali Wellness Retreat For Women– A Week Of Yoga And Self Love. Wellness retreat exclusively for women situated in Ubud Bali
I’ve just spent a week transforming my body, mind and soul at Escape Haven: in Bali’s Ulawatu. Not only has this week been a great way for me to destress and unwind but it’s also been an incredible opportunity for me to take a step back from life and reprioritise a few things. This is the first time since becoming a mum 14 years ago that I’ve taken time out for me. Time to just be me without any demands. I have to say that it’s the best thing I’ve done in years. I think as women we don’t often give ourselves time to just stop and smell the roses and this trip away has done exactly that for me. The best bit was getting to share this time with two gorgeous gals who also lead busy lives. I made this video to give you a little sneak peek at what it’s like to take a week out for you at a retreat that is designed to nourish you back to health and wellness.
I’ve always thought that these type of women’s retreats were indulgent but now I think they are a great way to give yourself a bit of a warrant of fitness. After all, we do this for our cars so it makes sense that our minds and bodies also require a tune up from time to time. So here’s a little glimpse of what I got up to on retreat in Bali.
If you want to find out more about Escape Haven then check out their website here:
If you’ve ever been on a similar retreat I’d love to hear about it in the comments below. And if you have any questions about my retreat then please just ask. It was hard to cram a week’s worth of transformation into a six minute video so if you have any questions I’d love to answer them in the comments below.
Leonie x
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Camera: Canon EOS 70d
Find out more about our women’s spiritual retreats in Bali. Women’s retreats in Bali are rapidly increasing in popularity amongst those looking to pursue a spiritual journey. The island itself is situated just a short journey from Indonesia and each year, thousands of people flock to its shores to enjoy the laid back lifestyle and relaxing atmosphere that the island emanates. Signing up for a women’s retreat on the island can be a great way to explore one’s spiritual well-being, but what can be expected from these types of centres?
Bali Health Retreat – A Week Of Yoga And Self Love,